Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Bit More Red

"Of course, part of the 'problem' with redheads is that there aren't enough of them. They make up just two percent of the population. So they're pretty extraordinary. Redheads are too numerous to be ignored, too rare to be accepted." ...Grant McCracken, from his book Big Hair: A Journey Into the Transformation of Self.

MY TOP 30...

30)=Julia Roberts=
I decided to start off with her because I keep seeing these ads for her new film that just came out on Friday-- 'Eat, Pray, Love', and it's amazing how incredible she still looks at the tender age of 42. But anyways, if you don't know Julia Roberts, then you must have been living under a rock or something because she's like one of America's most famous and successful actors in Hollywood. Heck, maybe even Bollywood too. She's that famous. Probably best known for her role in Pretty Woman. But my personal favorite of her's is My Best Friend's Wedding definitely. It's also when I actually first noticed how striking her red hair is (or was). And not only that, but thick and curly! It's beautiful. Fuck-she's beautiful. And talented, and sexy, and smart.

Plus, she's a Scorpio. Like me :) And we, Scorpios rule!
29) =Lucille Bell=
I'm pretty sure you guys may all know her from her 'hit' sitcom, I Love Lucy. I at least remember watching all those nonstop reruns on Nick@Nite in the living room. Sometimes I still catch an episode of two on TV Land and laugh my butt. She was so hilarious! Unfortunately she past away though around the late 80's from arthritis or something like that. I actually honestly did not know she was a redhead until I saw a picture of hers on my mother's TV Guide, and I remember thinking how I have known all along because you can just tell her from her spunky attitude and bouncy curls that she had to be a redhead. So cool.
28) =The Riddler=
Edward Nygma, or better known as his Aliases-- The Riddler, is my second favorite villian character from the Batman series. (after the Joker from TDK). He's in the old 90's movie Batman Forever, which Nicole Kidman--another one of my favorite redheads who did not make the cut. And let me just say, that that this was one of the least best batman movies, but I can't help but love this movie because I remember constantly watching it when I was like 7 years old. I'm a big Jim Carrey fan, and if you are too and haven't seen this movie--then please check it out because Jim Carrey is definitely himself here. Goofy, energetic, obsessive, and freaking hilarious.
27)=Amelia Bedelia=
If you haven't really noticed, Amelia Bedelia is most certainly described as a redhead, and if you don't really know about her, well let me just say that she's the protagonist of one of the most cherished novels written by Peggy Perish. She wrote these many stories on her, and it was simply titled in childish ways like Ameilia Bedelia goes meets Mr. Big, or Amelia Bedelia crashes the baby Shower. Non of these being an actual example of the titles of the books though, since it's a children's series and all. But you get the idea. It's basically all about her--Amelia Bedelia, a maid who's constantly misunderstanding these orders that her employer gives her to do because she's always taking the terminologies literally. Which of course ends up with her doing some other thing that she wasn't asked to do. Like say for instance Amelia Bedelia goes to hang out with these group of people, and her employer doesn't want her there, so she's like, "Hey, why don't you put egg in your shoe and beat it." [which you know, means to get lost] But Amelia Bedelia would literally like go look for an egg, put it inside her shoe, and then start beating it. I know it's silly, but it's a cool way of children learning different figures of speeches. I know that's how I grew up learning alot of them, and I could think of a tons of people who should consider reading this and learning some too.

26) =Dexter=
For those of you who grew up as an 90's kid like me--I'm pretty sure ya'll watched Cartoon Network on a daily basis, and so I'm positive that you've seen Dexter's Laboratory. It's one of my favorite cartoon shows from that channel, and I remember watching it every night with my brother like around 7pm. It was based off such a simple plot...About an eight year old genius with a secret lab in his room. There he does experiments which all goes bad, mainly because of his older and STUPID sister, Dee-Dee. One of the best moments of this show was actually after an episode would finished [they gave two] and they would show a random short of a some spin off of the show call 'Dial M For Monkey'. And it's about Dexter's pet monkey-Monkey who's like this secret spy with super powers and is constantly saving the world. It's very cool, and in the final episode, Dexter actually finds out his secret identity... But anyways, I grew up with Dex. I use to try to mimic his Eastern European accent (very stereotypical for a scientist to have) and go around pouring random mixes of juice and water inside my grandmother's vases like a little scientist. He's actually one of the main reasons why I wanted to enjoy school and tried to be a nerd.
25) =Carol Burnett=
As my father has always said to me; Carol Burnett is one of the funniest comedians of all time. And I guess I could agree with that. Known for her hit show, 'The Carol Burnett Show' many compare her to Lucille Bell, since she's just as goofy, versatile, and talented. For me honestly, I have always considered her as Miss. Hannigan; the alcoholic 'mother figure' of Anne and the other orphan girls. I remember wearing red lipstick, long pearls, heels, and drinking shots of water in my bathtub, while singing along to her musical number 'Little Girls, Little Girls'. This was actually one of the first movies, (along with Phantom of the Paradise) that helped me discover what sex really is. I remember watching her always being so sexual to all the man that came her way, and it was a first time I realized what being horny was all about. But anyways, that's not the point--the point is that I think Carol is an awesome comedian! Very charismatic and honest, and a redhead. She's like 70 years old now though, but still has that same exact sense of humor.
24) =Little Orphan Anne=
Might as well now include Anne, since I just mentioned Miss. Hannigan. I haven't seen much musicals of Anne, but I have seen this Oscar nominated film so many times, so I figured that's what only matter. I mean it has a great cast; Tim Currey as Rooster, Albert Finney as Daddy Warbucks, and the one and only Bernadette Peters (also a redhead) as Lily! It's a great cast! And I can't imagine anyone else but Aileen Quinn as Anne. Her cute unruly red hair, freckled face, and beautiful smile...Sigh. I could go on reminiscing about my childhood days watching this movie, and acting out like every other scene. But it's so sad...

23) =Simon Pegg=
To be totally honest, I find English guys not only sexy, but freaking hilarious. And Simon Pegg-is definitely not an exception here. He stars in this hilarious British comedy show known as 'Spaced' but I'm pretty sure that he's mostly known for his role in 'Shaun of The Dead'. Which is this REALLY amazing movie that makes fun of other zombie-type movies- specifically the movie- Dawn of The Dead. And it's like all these group of friends, in the middle of a Zombie out-break, fighting their chance of survival. However it's nowhere close to Hollywood(ish) or cheesy, it's actually very realistic and hilarious. A MUST see. He's also in Hot Fuzz, which is kind of a parody of American 'buddy-cop' movies. And his friend and partner in crime- Nick Frost, is in it too. He's like in nearly every film that Simon is in to be honest.


22) =Misty=
There was a time that I had this sort of 'Pokemon' phase from the ages 9 and 10 years old. I'm not really much of an Anime fan, but my sister is and she's constantly watching the Japanese version of this every now and then, so it reminds me of how obsess I was of the characters Misty and Ash. (and Pikachu) But yeah, to start off--I guess because she made a huge effect on my teen life. Misty was one of the first female characters that I related to the most. I was very quick tempered like her, and a bit of a tom-boy too. I also nearly knew all of her water-type pokemons, it was ridicules. But all in all, she definitely fits that classic kind of spunky kind of red head girl...even though she's Japanese. Which I didn't know was possible, but whatever,

21) =Julienne Moore=
Whenever I imagine a redhead, I seriously always picture Julienne Moore. Usually I imagine her the way she looked in the movie Nine Months or Trust The Man, which are two of my favorite movies with her. However I actually noticed her as an actress in the movie Boogie Nights.
I think she overall has this really classy and simple kind of beauty. Though she kind of reminds me a lot of High-school Admission Counselors for some reason. That's always the kind of vibe I get from her. But anyways, not only is she talented and intelligent, she's also really sweet. I love watching her whenever she's on a Late Night show, because she's always wanting to share these funny stories about her daughter and stuff. I honestly can't wait to watch her in that new movie that came out, 'The Kids Are Alright.' I'm pretty sure she's amazing in it-as always.

20) =Kathy Griffin=
Kathy Griffin is a redhead that I have always seen on television and movies, yet never really known much about her. Everyone mostly knows her as the D-Lister comedian who's always cracking jokes on celebrities, and getting banned from shows for being a douche. But she's hilarious! She won like two or three emmys and is VERY proud of it. She like takes her award everywhere she goes to show off. There are also many moments in films that I have seen her appear in and made the whole scene twice much better. I just recently actually saw her on that show on MTV--When I was 17; and honestly, I don't really watch reality tv, but ever so often when I'm bored, I'll check something out on MTV. And I saw an episode with her in it, and she's explaining how she's spent half of her career making money as an extra. She spoke about her first gig at some baseball commercial, and then has done over 50 other extra roles. This made me realize of the many times that I had actually spotted her in. Which were Prince of Bel Air, Pulp Fiction, Sienfield, that Eminem music video...and one of my favorites--Four Rooms--Which is a movie telling four different stories, about four different hotel rooms, that is directed by four different 'famous' directors. I think she shows up in Quentin Tarentino's story, and she's like the hotel manager or something. Really cool.
19) =Prince Harry=
Next in my list, is actually the hottest ginger guy on it. And it's not just cause he's like the Prince of Wales or anything, but also because he's genuinely very sweet. And handsome. I love his eyes and smile, and though I kind of think his brother William is maybe physically hotter cause he mostly took after his mother; there's still something about Prince Harry that attracts me so. Maybe it's the whole military career thing idk, and I love guys in uniform. ;) My friend would say otherwise though because she thinks he's racist, but to be honest, I don't really think he is. I mean yes, he might be a little socially inept when interacting with normal people, but I really don't think he is a racist. I just wanted to point that out. I still crush on this guy, regardless of the few times he comes across as a twit. He's still hot. And I do not think James Hewitt was really his father. Just saying.

18) =Madeline=
I know already included a fictional character from a children's novel--but I personally associate Madeline as closer friend than anything. Madeline and I related to each other alot...or at least I thought so. She was the smallest girl in her orphanage, yet the bravest one of them all. And I, too, was always the smallest in my circle of friends, but maintained lots of spunk. In many ways though, I envied her life. I loved that she lived in Paris, had a sexy friend like Pepito, and a cool dog name Genevieve. I didn't have anyone of that and that bothered me. I mean I did attend a small Catholic school too during my early childhood and most of my teachers were nuns, but none of them were as chill as Miss. Clavel. And that made me sad. I remember reading the novels and just pretending to be her. Sometimes I would draw myself on the pages of the book, and pretend I was part of the crew. I remember drawing myself wearing that same blue dress with the little hat and white gloves. It was kind of sad, but it was the kind of fun that I had; what with my wild imagination and all.
17) =Lola=
Back when I was around 15 years old and my father discovered Netflix, he would rent random films that he never got to find in any of the Blockbuster stores around. So he took this as an opportunity of getting as much foreign films as he could every week that he wanted to check out. And he would introduce them to me for some reason. 'Run Lola Run' was one of them. It's German, and one the first movies that exposed me to the indie movie world. I fell in love... The story basically follows this very eccentric woman name Lola (played by Franka Potente-the chick from Bourne Identity) and she has this bf name Manni who leaves a STACK of money that he was suppose to hand to his crime boss in 20 minutes. He calls Lola for help, and from there, the movie follows Lola choosing three different paths,,, each going for 20 minutes, to getting the money for Manni. It's a VERY interesting film, that's extremely fast-paced and filled with cool camera movements, cool animated bits, and COOL music. Please check it out if you haven't. You won't regret it :)

16) =Lois Griffin=
Of course, I had to mention this redheaded MILF. Or maybe more like MGLF (get it? mothers GUYS like to f...)Hee hee And I mean, you got to admit, that she's pretty badass. She's a bisexual half-Jewish mother of three, that has pretty much done it all. Has been a waitress, a prostitute, a flight attendant, a reporter, a teacher, the Mayor, AND a piano teacher. AND she's been a professional Olympic diver and has a black belt in Tae-Jitsu. Oh, and did I mention that she's like 40? She is voiced by Alex Borstein (Miss Swann from MADtv) and I personally think that she's by far, one of the funniest characters in Family Guy. After Peter of course.

15) =Ron Weasley=
Everyone knows Ronald Bilius Weasley, also known as Ron Weasley--the loyal Bff of Harry Potter in the HP series. He is played by British actor Rupert Grint, and is described as the tall, awkward, freckled-face brilliant guy, that comes from a large but poor Pure-blood family. There's a little bit more of him that is to be expected but it may be a spoiler to some who are actually waiting for the first part of the next movie to come out later this year--so I won't mention anything. I will mention though that I have been having a crush on this guy ever since I was 11. It was when the first novel of the series came out, and I remember having to read it for my after school program. And just by JK Rowling's description of him in the text, I have been fascinated by him since then. I've been team Weasley for the next nine years... Watching every movie that came out on every November or June, or skimming trough pages of all the books in the series. I personally don't care what anyone has to say about him, I think Ron is gorgeous. He's funny, a little bad-tempered but still sensitive and caring. I think Hermione is extremely lucky to be with him. Oops!

14) =Louie C.K=
Hands down, one of the best American stand up comedians of today. Louie, or Louis-w/e you prefer, has recently become a part of my life. I first discovered him about a year ago when he did some stand up, and I have been obsessed with him ever since. He's this really laid-back and smart dude that is so honest, that it just makes you laugh. You seriously just can't believe the things that come out of his mouth. He's known to have written material for Conan O Brian, David Letterman, Chris Rock, and some more shows. He's also been nominated for an Emmy, appeared in certain funny movies like Role Models and The Invention Of Lying, AND he has his own show call Louie that they show on FX. It's amazing, really. He not only stars in it, but he writes everything and directs it too. In it he he talks about the usual stuff he talks about always; his ex-wife, his two little daughters, his childhood, his 'fat' body, and other random shit that we could all relate to in our daily lives as well. He honestly makes it seems like he lives this totally depressing life, and maybe it's true--but he has such a great sense of humor about it. I really don't think it could be any different from other people's life to be honest. And that's just something that I like about him so much; is that he makes me feel safe (in a way). I don't feel judged for feeling a certain way during some situations.

13) =Ellie Nash=

If you check out on the N, or Teen Nick-whatever it's called now...you'll see lots of Canadian shows; one of them being Degrassi. Which is about these group of teenagers going through all kinds of realistic situations involving rape, homosexuality, death, growing up, and relationships. It seems kind of corny at first, but it's actually pretty cool. Especially the old seasons with the old cast like Spinner, Craig, Emma, Paige, Liberty, Manni, Marco, Jimmy (aka rapper Drake) and my favorite--Ellie. (Played by Stacy Farber) She's the cute redhead that started out as this goth chick who was known as the new girl, but later developed into being this really out-going, kind of edgy yet sweet girl. I identified a lot with her, and she was actually my inspiration for my emo/scene look during my Junior year in high-school. The new episodes they're giving seems kind of stupid actually, but my little sister LOVES it, so I guess it's just a thing that goes by different generations. It is called Degrassi: The Next Generation after all.

12) =Ariel=
Growing up as a toddler in the early 90's, my mother was obsessed with buying me everything of The Little Mermaid. If it wasn't Minnie Mouse or Barney, it was definitely The Little Mermaid. I'm pretty sure she was the first cartoon redhead I've ever seen, and I grew obsessed with her. I wanted to be a mermaid just like her as I got older, and I wanted to grow a green fin and cover my flat chest with shells like she did. There came a time too, when I would watch the show like every other day. A back story about Ariel: She's a mermaid who lives underwater-obviously. Before she saves the prince[Eric] and gets married with him in the movie, she was actually just this simple kind of girl who went on little adventures with her besties- Sebastian and Flounder. . She's the daughter King Triton, who's the ruler of Atlantica, and is blessed with an amazing voice. She is probably the next best Disney Princess after Jasmine and Belle; from Beauty and The Beast, but she's probably the most adventurous, stubborn, and experienced. Cause you know, she's a mother and all.
11) =The Mad Hatter=
Born as Tarrant Hightopp in the new film adaptation of Alice In Wonderland (directed by one of my fav directors Tim Burton) the Mad Hatter is played by the one and only, Johnny Depp. (the best actor ever) and is probably the hottest/coolest Mad Hatter from all others ever played. He has green crazy eyes, a huge gap between his two front teeth and bright orange hair. I'm not sure if he was suppose to have gray hair or not, but I read that the orange hair is actually a hint to all the mercury poisoning that hatters suffered after using mercury to cure stuff. Johnny Depp mentions; that he thinks the character had a little TOO much poison. Lol The Mad Hatter is really loyal, sensitive, and a little cuckoo-hence MAD Hatter, but he's very smart. He loves tea, has some unfinished anger issues, and gets really attached to Alice in the movie which makes me wonder of how they could have developed some kind of fling...Hmm, makes a great fanfiction. But yeah, he definitely became one of my fav redhead characters ever. I'm quite fond of his personality, his wit, his fighting and rad dancing skills. Oh and did I mention that he makes really awesome hats.


10) =Chucky=
As much as I love Chuckie Finster from the
Rugrats, and I think he's adorable with his little glasses and bucked teeth, and always saying 'Were Doomed I tell you-doooomed!' he isn't exactly the Chuckster that I'm referring too. Which come to think of it, I probably should have, because he's left handed-like me, and there's just this certain connection I have with him because of that. But still, whatever-->I'm actually digging CHUCKY--The Killer doll. He's been a HUGE part of my childhood growing up, and there is no way I could possibly leave him out of this list.
Known for appearing as the bad guy in the
Child Play movies, created by Don Mancini (an amazing screenwriter) I personally believe that Chucky is misunderstood. I mean think about it, it's not easy having to be looked down upon just cause one practices voodoo. He was given no choice but to escape and spiritually transfer his soul to some random doll that turned out to be somewhat popular among the kids. And those kids were really annoying, and on top of that, the adults didn't take him seriously. So what else was left to do, huh? Yes, killing is crime, and Chucky could have been less dramatic at times, but you have to admit that those people had it coming. They DESERVED it...
I personally don't see anything wrong with Chucky, I think he's hilarious. He's also a great husband, a caring father, and it makes me sad that he couldn't achieve his goal of transferring his body to an actual human body instead of a doll.


9) =Ginger Spice=
Geri Halliway was pretty much the ring leader of the amazing 'feminist' 90's group--Spice Girls. Joining her were Sporty Spice, Baby Spice, Scary Spice, and Posh Spice, (David Beckham's wifey). I remember role playing with my girlfriends during recess when we were in the fourth grade. We had watched too much of
Spice World, and literally became an intimidation of them. I was always Scary Spice cause I was the only black girl in the group, and I had crazy curly hair just like Mel B too. It was super fun, just doing these poorly imitated English Accents, singing all their hits from Wannabee to Who do You Think You Are, while doing the dance routines in front of the boys. I'm pretty sure there were ALOT of other girls who did the same whole Girl Power thing with their friends as well though. We weren't that creative.
But unfortunately though, the Spice Girls broke apart shortly after Geri left to do her own thing. The group just wasn't the same without her gingerness and sexual raw energy. It sucked. They did end up getting back together again to do some big tour. And if I remember correctly, it turned out being successful. I'm just glad that they all remain good friends today while raising kids.

8) =Conan O' Brien=
What isn't there to love about this guy, seriously? He's funny, Irish, a redhead, and from Massachusetts. He started out writing for small comedy shows while attending Harvard, and ended up getting really popular while writing for
SNL and The Simsons. He is mostly known for being the host of the Late Night with Conan O' Brien, which was one of the main things I really looked forward to at weeknights. However he ended up getting switched to The Tonight Show when Jay Leno did his own thing on an earlier slot. Which would have been successful until the network totally fucked him over by taking him away so they could put Jay Leno back on, even though Jay Leno supposedly retired from that. Conan was pretty pissed off by that, but he made his last nights on the Tonight Show hilarious by doing really immature and stupid things while making hilarious remarks on Leno and NBC. He was offered and received LOTS of money though for leaving, so he couldn't really complain.

It was announced though, earlier this year, that he was going to come back on TV to host another show on TBS sometime this fall. So that's something to look forward to :)
One of my favorite things about Conan though, is his style. I love how he interacted with the audience, and the way he jumps around and moves his hair, and also making these these hilarious dramatic expressions. He's constantly making fun of his appearance too; pale skin, bright hair, tall awkwardness, but these are all things that I honestly find cute about him.

7) =Hayley Williams=

Hayley Williams is from the amazing band known as Paramore that became popular in 2007. I wasn't much of
hardcore fan until the summer 08 when I first saw them open up for No Doubt on Jones beach. Ever since that day, when I saw Hayley in her leopard print pants, introducing her 'then' but now somewhat outdated single 'Ignorance', I fell in love. The band is often categorized as 'punk rock' but it's hard to see them as that, considering that I'm a pretty big fan of 70's punk music [which has been completely dead for a while]. But the band does make good music. I think it's really partially due to the fact that Hayley has some serious vocal skills, and a CRAZY fashion sense of style. She is known for her BRIGHT fiery red hair, that she sometimes dyes auburn red, but she's actually a brunette. I would like to meet her one day, just to see if I'm taller than her. People say she is like 5'1 or 5'2, and I'm in that same height scale--but for some reason I would really like to see for myself if she's shorter than me or not.

6) =Columbia and Magenta=
I decided to include two people here because they are both characters from the Rocky Horror Show, and they both have red hair. However, I haven't seen a Rocky Horror show
yet, (still a virgin, if you know what I mean) but I am a HUGE fan of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, which came out in the 70's. It stars Tim Curry as the scientist/Dr. Frank-N-Furter, and Susan Sarandon as Janet-the heroine. There is a whole bunch of other actors of course playing really eccentric, sexual liberated characters but I won't get into that. I will, however, mention that Meat Loaf is in it, playing Eddie who is Frank's lover; and he sings this amazing song in one scene. This movie is kind of something that you'll either love it or hate it, and I will admit that it's a very STRANGE musical. But it's filled with time-warp dancing, transvestites, aliens, sexy corsets, and just plain old fun. It's a cult classic due to it's brilliant performance and creative ways of poking fun at B-movie sci-fi films from the 50's. And even though Rocky and Brad are my favorite characters; I still equally love Columbia and Magenta.
Columbia is basically this groupie/entertainer at the mansion. She has this really squeaky voice and crazy tapping skills. She is known for her short red hair, sexual dancing, and sequined tailcoat and top hat. In a way she is kind of a Liza Manelli.
Magenta is one of the mot popular characters that people enjoy dressing up as. She is from the planet Transsexual in the galaxy of Transylvania. She is the maid with the strange Russian accent, and has this wild, magenta/red color hair that's really wild and frizzy. One of my favorite scenes is when she pops out of nowhere saying "Master, dinner is prepared!"

5) =Lindsay Lohan=
Everyone knows Lindsay Lohan of course, and let me just say that before she became a hot mess, she was pretty cool, you have to admit. She did funny movies and didn't act half bad, plus she was an awesome redhead. I guess she was just ashamed of it and let the Hollywood party scene get to her. She started tanning, covering her freckles, and dying her hair blond. What kind of shit is that? It really makes me sad that she let this happened to her. I grew up with this chick. I used to LOVE Parent Trap, Get A Clue, Life-Size, and Freaky Friday when I was pre-teen. And I think I've probably watched Mean Girl over 50 times. She was pretty popular. And regardless that her music albums kind of sucked, I still listened to them! .

It was obvious though that she had some daddy issues of course, but not in a million years did I think it would get to this. Her jumping from prison to rehab in less than a month. Insane!
I actually thought she would make a comeback with that movie 'Georgia Rule' which she stars in with Jane Fonda. But I was wrong. Not to help that she got to at least act with Garrett Hedlund-my bf. Sigh. And from there on she just made these shitty movies and pathetic TV appearances. It' embarrassing. It's especially embarrassing for me, as a former fan of her's. She disappointments me. I wish she wouldn't let the media get to her.

4) =Shirley Manson=
Shirley has to probably be one of the hottest women on this earth. Period. She's a very talented Scottish woman/actress that is internationally known for being the lead singer from the band Garbage. She is in her early 40's and still rocking out. Blessed with an am
azing voice and style, she has fantastic red hair to go with everything. I had first found out about her in the mid summer of 06 when I was watching a video from one my favorite bands She Wants Revenge, when I saw her in it. I found her so hot and mysterious, I just had to know who she was. Luckily, people kept writing comments on youtube about her being a singer for some band, which led me to the music video of 'Cherry Lips. I ended up looking up more of their songs; like #1 crush and Sleep Together, & I fell in love.

I have been a huge fan of Garbage ever since.
3) =Charles and Delia Deetz=
As I have mentioned before, I'm a huge fan of Tim Burton movies. I h
ave been one, ever since I was 4 and the first time I saw the movie Edward Scissorhands. (that's when I first discovered Johnny Depp) And one of my favorite movies since then was/and is Beetle Juice. At that time I had no idea who Alex Baldwin, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder all were-all I ever really loved was Harry Belafonte's calypso music and the characters. But one of my favorite characters from this film, as I grew older were Lydia's parents Charles and Delia (played by Jeffrey Jones and Catherine O' Hara) I don't much of anything of Jeffrey but I am a big fan of Catherine. I grew up watching her with the Home Alone movies and hearing her distinctive voice in other movies like The Nightmare Before Christmas and Chicken Little. She's also in other great movies like Orange County, Penelope, and Monster House.
But anyways...what I mean to say here is that I love her character- Delia and Jeffery's character-Charles. They were like the first married couple I've seen on screen that were always arguing. They also had amazing style; with Delia having some type of eccentric/edgy 'New Yorker' modern look and Charles' corduroy/cardigan PHD. appearance, it's just too perfect. They are both redheads too, if you haven't noticed which is why I included them. I think this is the first film where I've seen a woman having a gay best friend btw. Hee hee

2) =Rose Dewitt Bukater =
Also known as Rose Dawson, cause she takes Jack's surname after he...you know? Dies. And um, I love James Cameron. I'm pretty sure everybody actually does. He's talented, creative, and just all out there. I read in article about how he couldn't find the perfect Rose, and the actors he wanted, they just didn't want to have anything do it. So then, Kate Winslet (the Oscar winning actress) had to go through EXTREME lengths to audition for the role. She kept being persistent for the part until James finally agreed to let her take it. Isn't that unbelievable? I cannot honestly imagine anyone else other than Kate to be Rose. She most certainly is Rose, and there isn't anyone else that could play her part. Never.
But anyways, I love
Titanic. I first saw it when I was around 8 or 9 years old. I fell in love with Jack (but who didn't?) and I just wanted to be Rose. She was beautiful and so strong and unique. One of the things that I still love about her is her shiny red hair. It was so thick and smooth looking, I just had to include her here. She is definitely one of my favorite redheads. And to this day, I still love watching Kate as Rose in the movie. I get so lost into her story, and I can't help but feel for her when she explains to Jack how she wants to travel and see the world. Sigh. I could go on and on but I'll just give it a rest.

1) =Molly Ringwald=
Of course she had to be number one because, she is by far--the best redhead out there! She is responsible for like all the greatest teenage characters in movies. Seriously. Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club, P.K and The Kid and my personal favorite, Sixteen candles. Whenever I see her in those John Hughes films, I always start to wonder how my life would have been if I were a teenager in the 80's. Specifically if I were Brat Packer. It seemed so simple and fun and so stylish. Great music and teachers...
But yeah, this is why Molly is my favorite. Like many other girls, I have always identified with her characters in these teenager type of movies. I mean Claire was alot like me. I may have not necessarily been the pretty and popular girl, but I was often misunderstood, and far less experience than all my other friends. I even had a crush on this certain guy who was older and a bad boy ;)
And my teenage life was pretty much just like Samanta Baker's. Nothing went my way, and my annoying grandmother often came to stay with us, PLUS my parents forgot my 17th birthday (just for a few hours though). Watching this movie always brings LOL'S to how much your life as a teen can suck, yet its actually very normal.
It's amazing to see her now with her children, and still looking gorgeous with her still bright red hair. I actually read a bit of her book, "Getting The Pretty Back...blah blah" and it's really fascinating to her talk about how much her life changed and stuff. And how she's a mother and still trying adapt to life. It's fun to read actually cause it's kind of like a manual.